Extra Info. Form Extra Information Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applicant Information 孩子基本資料Chinese Name 中文名 *English Name 英文名Start Date 欲就讀年月Learned English? 孩子是否學過美語?Yes 是No 否Where? 在哪學習美語?How long? 學習美語期間?Attended Briefing? 參加過說明會? *Yes 是No 否Questionnaire 問卷內容1. Strengths 學生的優點/強項 *2. Interests/hobbies 興趣/嗜好 *3. expect to gain 期望學習到什麼 *4. other-notes 其他資訊 How did you 從何處得知LUYA?Referral from Friend/Family 親朋好友推薦Official Website LUYA官方網站Online/TV Commercials 網路或電視廣告Facebook Fans Page LUYA FB粉絲頁LUYA InstagramLUYA Posters 學校宣傳海報Others 其他Referrer's (child's) name介紹人Guardian Information 家長/監護人資料Guardian Information (optional) 第二位家長/監護人資料-2 (非必填)Guardian 家長-2Mobile 手機-2Email 電郵-2Relationship to applicant 與學生關係-2FatherMotherGrandparentsOtherAddress 詳細地址 *Supporting Materials 上傳影音連結或檔案Video Link 1 學生的YouTube影片連結-1Video Link 2 學生的YouTube影片連結-2Attached File(s) 關於孩子的檔案文件(.pdf, .jpg, .doc, .mp4, .mp3) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. AgreementBy clicking “SUBMIT 確認提交” above, I/we affirm that I/we have included all the relevant and necessary information that may affect this student’s educational performance and progress. I/We understand that this information is to be reviewed only by the Admissions Committee to evaluate LUYA Academy’s ability to appropriately meet the educational needs of this student. Further, I/we understand and accept that falsification, deception, or omission in any aspect of the application process may result in an immediate review and possible revocation of admission.Section DividerSubmit 提交